Friends Are Forever ♥
.`Sunday, September 12, 2010. Y
Friends Forever♥
Having our chalet @ Pasir Ris Park =)
This time wynne never join us... perhaps other day =)
At first i tot food will not enough for yummy ~
But... .. . its more than enough.. i will learn my lesson ! :)
Here, uploade some photos:

Labels: Happy moments in my heart
Happy Moments~
12:21 AM
.`Tuesday, August 17, 2010. Y
Friends Forever♥
its been so long we never met each other.
Let's have a meetup!
See ya soon!
Labels: hahahaha
Happy Moments~
9:23 PM
.`Friday, July 9, 2010. Y
Friends Forever♥
Today having gathering with peeps!
Its been so long since the gathering le !!!
This time Yvonne cant tag with us. sigh!
but i hope next time she can tag with us =) BLESS!
dinner; we yummy @ MadJack - whitesand shopping mall !
location a bit small... menu photos is attractive!
in real life food; small portion only.. my darling cant even fill his stomach !
Anyway had a great time with them ..
Pity that HJ cant join us for movie;
Pity that Wynne cant join us for yummy;
Pity Jerral that come so far just to drive us to Tampines mall + he only eat fish noodle soup
=( this time gathering seem nt so nice.
Hoping for a nicer one!! coming up! Stay Tune!
^^Hui Jean so EMO LOL^^
^^Zhixian smile a bit weird lol. haha^^
^^Mi & my Dearest^^
^^Jeffrey & Zhi Xian^^ After yummy; we head to Tampines Mall to watch "Despicable Me"

The show is damn nice!..
Funny !! & laugh my ass out !! haha
great time to have peeps gathering !!
After a great movie; off we head to inter!
on the way we saw this BIG football outside T1..
LOL.. den we go n take photos =)
^^darlig biting the ball^^
^^Jerral Seem Funny LOL^^
^^Wynne & Zhi Xian^^
^^Zhi Xian & Wynne^^In the end we reach home abt 12AM?...
it really been so long since the last time we watch movie together?.. hmm..
Dec'2009 x'mas day that time?.. haha
Peeps are awesome !
Labels: Happy moments in my heart, Movies
Happy Moments~
8:21 PM
.`Friday, June 25, 2010. Y
Friends Forever♥
Last Evening, Zhixian came to my aunt house for a hair cut LOL
i admit that my mum cutting is better den any hair stylist LOL..
my mum taught him how to style his hair..
Before & After is really a big different lol..
A Msg to ZhiXian:
Please dun be Lazy to style your hair before going out..
Style hair is a form of STYLE!
be modern! yoyo~ wat's up!
haha.. ...
Labels: hahahaha
Happy Moments~
7:19 PM
.`Sunday, May 2, 2010. Y
Friends Forever♥
today is so awesome!
having a candle light dinner with pretty von!
early morning, was surprise by her sms that she dating mi out ^^
cool ah.. ever since secondary till now...
she date mi out =P
i rmb that last time when we were frens, not so close close lo.. been same class for 5 YEARS!
maybe i too emo or DAO??!?!?
but now i will treasure this friendship =) BFF
we went to yummy at swensen XD
first time lei .. officially date.. haha (kidding.. **Excited)
& after that we go shop shop & went to cafe cartel to have a cup of half price HIGH CLASS coffee lo.. haha..
Its really is a nice chat with her .. gather another day soon!!!
Labels: Happy moments in my heart
Happy Moments~
9:16 PM
.`Monday, April 12, 2010. Y
Friends Forever♥
Last night i had a dinner @ "jurong cafe @ Tampines" with peeps!
(Wynne, yvo, Zhixian, Jeff, JY, darling & Mii)
I did ask HJ, Joanna, Jerral & Daryl to go as well.. but .. ... i guess all not free.. haha
a lot of frens ask mi is it at JURONG?!?! LoL of cos nope! if not i sure faint.. haha
Overall, its a coffee shop =)
selling cheap & nice yummy yummy!
+++ Zhi xian can eat at there, not b cos near my house -.-
haha.. the coffee shop's western is ASTON! wohoo! cheap & Nice!! esp the fries. wohoo!!!
Peeps, sorry to date you guys here cos its relly cheap! not just b cos staying near my house..
Thanks for understanding!
Labels: Happy moments in my heart
Happy Moments~
6:43 PM
.`Saturday, February 20, 2010. Y
Friends Forever♥
Chinese New Year Celebration @ Wynne's house
before went to wynne house, i went to bosses house.. show face to them that i'm there.. if not my life will be tough~ no bonus ! haha
around 7.30 reached wynne house!
see them gambling mahjong.. jeffrey lost the most.. bless bless~~
eh.. as for zhixian, he wore a CAT tee.. haha.. actually is a TIGER, but its seem look like CAT.. haha
O ya! one thing need to b mention is that ZHIXIAN say i look like pregnant -.-
i guess its time to diet! stop eating! torture myself!!
LOL... we gambled till 10++pm.. haha.. zhixian lost a lot LOL.. wallet dun even have a single note.. heehee..
before leaving wynne house, we celebrate jerral birthday in advance! as next week everyone is exam.. not free..

Happy 20th Birthday!

hmm.. off we go to loyang pray pray after going to wynne house..
actually my sweetheart dun wish to go as he want to go home study ..
But in the end he acc mi.. SWEET!
thanks my sweetheart!
motive to go there is to pray for my dad/sis/mum & ahyou...
Praying for ... ...
My dad - hoping this police case will be alright
My sis - hoping her will learn how to think, dun let us worry
My mum - hoping her dun keep think too much.. happy go lucky
Ah you - stay good grades in studies
Labels: Happy moments in my heart
Happy Moments~
8:10 PM